Saturday, March 16, 2013

Let's Try this blogging thing again...

Blogging.... I wish it was something that I was better at. I am hoping to make this a habit. I would like to post something at least once a week about our lives. I so wish I had done it during my pregnancy and the first weeks of Jaden being born. But to be honest I did not even think about it! I was way to tired! But now that he is sleeping better and we are starting to get into a routine I wanted to try again.

This year has already been an adventure. Jaden is 4.5 months (can't believe it!) and it has been such a blast spending all of my time with him! I wouldn't want it any other way. We just started him on solids, and that has been an adventure all on its own. This kid loves to eat! (just like his dad and mom) I can't seem to shovel the food fast enough for him into his mouth. When he is actually able to get the food in his mouth he throws his head back and grunts in delight. So fun!
It is crazy to me how fast time is going. I can't imagine life before Jaden, but at the same time I feel like we just brought him home from the hospital... this morning. He is such a joy in our lives. Can't wait for all the adventures he brings our way!